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Don’t be scared to Laugh Your Way Out

When was the last time you had a good, heartful laugh? Are you lost in thoughts? Oh no! If you fell into rumination at this simple question, then you got to listen to this for sure!

Let me ask you something. Usually, what brings a smile to people’s faces? Think, think! I can wait. You have five full seconds. 😊

What did you get? It is a joke or a funny incident or praise from someone, or sudden visit by a loved one, a promotion in life - becoming a parent or a grandparent, or a promotion at work. What else? (Are you scratching your head and thinking already?)

Really? Is that all you can think of the reasons that make you smile?

Okay. It’s time to ask you another question. Raising questions is fun! Ever wondered why everyone loves being with toddlers and finds boundless happiness in their presence?

Do you think their cute smiles always originate from one of the reasons you gave above? You and I know that’s not true, right? What magical powers do those little ones possess that we as intelligent, knowledgeable grownups do not?

You might say they don’t have any problems or tensions. Did the baby tell you that it doesn’t have problems? Who knows, the baby must be exploding with lots of questions and dying with curiosity to know about everything in the world? There’s no way for us adults to understand what exactly is going on in their little brains.

Regardless babies smile like 3000 times a day, and you feel like wrapping that sunlight into your arms. They are fearless, and all they want is someone’s attention. And they surely know how to be successful in their mission; By showering their innocent smiles at us.

But why can’t we do the same? We are too busy in our world to the extent that we often forget that we are the most beautiful version of ourselves when we smile our hearts out. So, don’t search for reasons and just laugh until your cheeks ache.

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